Virtual young researcher APMRS annual conference
07 – 09. September 2021
Virtual APMRS
Due to the still constantly changing situation concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, the APMRS 2021 meeting will be held as a virtual conference.
We want to use this event to explicitly support young scientists. Therefore, this conference will only accept presentations from Master / PhD students or PostDocs.
All selected contributions will be presented as short talks (5 – 10 minutes).
Abstract Submission – Now Open!
- Abstract submission deadline: 15. August 2021
- Only abstracts presented by Master / PhD students or PostDocs are allowed
- All selected contributions will be presented as oral presentations (5 – 10 minutes)
- Only submissions using the official template are accepted
- Submit your abstract via e-mail to
Registration Fee
The conference is free for APMRS members and 50 Euros for non-members.
Program at a Glance
- 07.09.2021 (afternoon): Bioinformatics Session
- 08.09.2021 (afternoon): Metabolomics / Lipidomics Session
- 09.09.2021 (afternoon): Proteomics Session
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Plenary Speakers
Prof. Erin S. Baker, Ph.D. – North Carolina State University
Erin S. Baker is an Associate Professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. To date, she has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers utilizing ion mobility spectrometry in conjunction with mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) to study both environmental and biological systems. Erin has served on the ASMS Board of Directors as the Member at Large for Education and is currently serving as the Vice President of Education for the International Lipidomics Society, Events Committee Chair for Females in Mass Spectrometry (FeMS) and as an Associate Director in the NCSU Comparative Medicine Institute. She is also an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry and on the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports and Journal of Proteome Research. She has received seven US patents, two R&D 100 Awards, been named to the Analytical Scientist 2019 Top 100 Power List, aided in the commercialization of the Agilent 6560 IMS-QTOF MS, and was a recipient of the 2016 ACS Rising Star Award for Top Midcareer Women Chemists. The Baker research group utilizes advanced separations, multi-omic analyses and big data assessments to drive innovative mass spectrometry technologies, systems biology evaluations, novel software capabilities and connections between human health and the environment.
Vadim Demichev, Ph.D. – Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Vadim Demichev’s laboratory at the Institute of Biochemistry, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, works on making mass spectrometry methods fold change faster and more sensitive, as well as applying them to large-scale proteomic and PTM-omic experiments. While working as a postdoc at the University of Cambridge and the Francis Crick Institute, UK, he focused on computational methods for proteomic data processing, resulting in the development of DIA-NN, a universal automated DIA-MS data analysis suite, which enables comprehensive proteomics using chromatographic methods as fast as several minutes.
Charlotte Uetrecht, Ph.D. – Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology (HPI) / Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)
Dr. Charlotte Uetrecht is currently a junior group leader at HPI and guest scientist at European XFEL. Starting in Oct 2021, she will be associate professor for biochemistry at the University of Siegen, associated to the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY), CSSB, where the main labs are located, European XFEL and HPI. She is specialized in studying large protein complexes, mostly of viral origin, with structural, especially native, mass spectrometry (MS) and free-electron lasers (FEL). She has (co‑) authored more than 50 peer-reviewed publications and an h-index of 21. She pioneered high resolution native MS analysis of intact viral capsids including their structural characterization with ion mobility cumulating in a model for the capsid assembly pathway. In 2014, she received a junior group leader position at the HPI funded by an SAW grant from the Leibniz Association. Since 2011, she is guest scientist at European XFEL developing new sample delivery techniques based on MS. She first started on X-ray lightsource related work in Janos Hajdu’s lab in Uppsala, Sweden, as a postdoc on an EMBO longterm fellowship. For her doctoral work on native MS to analyze virus structure in the lab of Albert JR Heck in Utrecht, she was awarded the HGK Westenbrink Prize in 2011. She is jury member for the Wolfgang-Paul-Study-Price of the German Mass Spec Society (DGMS). She also coordinates the MS SPIDOC project and in 2017 received an ERC Starting Grant, both funded by the EU. She is member of the board of directors for the Leibniz Science Campus Interact since 2019.
Philipp Geyer, Ph.D. – Department of Proteomics and Signal Transduction, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried
Dr. Philipp Geyer is co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of OmicEra Diagnostics, a technology start-up with the aim to revolutionize medical diagnostics by MS-based proteomics. Philipp is also member of the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project and has dedicated his scientific career to the promises of plasma proteomics. During and after his PhD he headed the plasma proteomics effort in Prof. Matthias Mann’s laboratories in the Department of Proteomics and Signal Transduction at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Munich and the Clinical Proteomics group in Copenhagen. Automation of the proteomic workflow allows the preparation of hundreds of plasma samples in a highly reproducible manner, which opens up the possibility to real large-scale studies. This high throughput further enabled the development of new concepts in the field of biomarker discovery like the `rectangular strategy`, individual-cut off values and systems-wide phenotyping of humans by quantifying hundreds of plasma proteins.
Thomas Hannich, Ph.D. – CeMM Metabolomics Core Facility
Dr. Thomas Hannich is a biochemist by training and has been using a combination of genetics and biochemistry assisted by mass spectrometry to better understand cellular and organismal metabolism. From the start of his scientific career he has used different genetic model systems: Early on using single cell yeast cells to characterize the SUMOylated proteome in the Hochstrasser lab at Yale University. During his thesis with Prof. Temo Kurzchalia at MPI-CBG in Dresden and afterwards in Prof. Howard Riezman’s group at Geneva University he developed lipidomics and metabolomics approaches to explore the role of metabolites in yeast, worm, zebrafish and cell culture models as well as in patient samples. One focus of his work has been on sphingolipids and their role in development, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. In September 2020 he joined CeMM as head of the metabolomics facility to help unravel novel functions of metabolites in health and disease. At CeMM he and his team use targeted metabolomics and lipidomics strategies to support the local groups and external collaborators. The group also participates in the large international ReSOLUTE consortium (, which aims at de-orphenizing solute carriers.