The 4th ESCP was held from 22. – 23. August 2023

Venue: Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Campus-Vienna-Biocenter 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria

An excellent networking opportunity where work done in the field of single cell proteomics is shared. In August 2023 we hosted a symposium dedicated on recent advancements in the field of single cell proteomics at the IMP.

Schedule and speakers

open programme in new window or download pdf version

Of note nor APMA, the IMP or we as organizers collaborate with any hotel booking service, especially not with Expo Hotel Services. We do not pass any of your data to third party organizations. Please be assured that if you are contacted by them, that they did not receive any information from us and that we are not in any relationship with them. Please further note, that our maximum capacity for on-site participants is 150, and we will fill places on the first come, first served principle. Participant number and rules (need for vaccination/ PCR test etc.) might change on short notice dependent on regulations in place in Austria at the time of the conference.

Organization and Contact
Karl Mechtler Protein Chemistry Techhub; VBC
Manuel Matzinger Protein Chemistry Techhub; IMP
Rupert Mayer Protein Chemistry Techhub; IMP

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

ESCP Vienna 2023
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