14th European Summer School of Advanced Proteomics will take place from 31st of July till 6th of August at its usual location: Kloster Neustift (Brixen/Bressanone, South Tirol, Italy). The summer school is designed to provide graduate students and young postdoctoral
SCP & APMRS 2022
13. – 15. September 2022, Venue: Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Campus-Vienna-Biocenter 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria Save the date for this excellent networking opportunity and share your work done in the field of proteomics and especially single cell proteomics.
ESCP2021 – the workshop on single cell sample preparation
The IMP in Vienna is organizing an online workshop on Single Cell Proteomics sample preparation, April 27th, 3 pm CEST. Comprehensive single cell technologies are and will continue to shape modern biology ranging from basic science towards clinical research. Recent
International Mass Spectrometry Foundation webinar series about Advancements in Instrumentations
The IMSF is hosting a webinar series about instrumentation in Mass Spectrometry. Four experts are going to share their knowledge: March 9, 17:00 CET: Dr. Olga Ovchinnikova (Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)“Unravelling the Origins of Functionality through Correlative Multimodal Chemical Imaging” March
Thermo Scientific Virtual Webinars
The Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris 480™ and Orbitrap Exploris 240™ mass spectrometers with FAIMS Pro technology are rapidly establishing themselves as the go to platforms for highest quality quantitative proteome profiling. Go faster and dig deeper than ever before and
Thermo Scientific Omics Winter Seminars
Thermo provides ten on-demand webinars for metabolomics and proteomics scientists. Topics range from introduction to software, to DIA, protein cross-linking and structural elucidation for metabolites. Find more information and the webinars here.
Metabolomics 2020 Online
The metabolomics society moved its annual meeting in Shanghai in December to an online meeting from 27th to 29th October. There are a limited number of spots for this virtual conference, register soon to reserve your space! Metabolomics 2020 Online
HUPO goes digital – Stay connected with HUPO Connect 2020
Special rate for APMA members! All members of EuPA proteomics societies can register for HUPO Connect 2020 at the “HUPO member” rate. When you register just use the country-specific registration discount code (“AT”). Please pay your APMA membership to be
Thermo Fisher Mass Spectrometry Virtual Users Meeting
September 22 – 24 Thermo Fisher is hosting its yearly User Meeting online in September. Find more information here. In this unprecedented year, we may not be able to host our annual in-person Users’ Meetings across Europe and Americas, but