September 22 – 24 Thermo Fisher is hosting its yearly User Meeting online in September. Find more information here. In this unprecedented year, we may not be able to host our annual in-person Users’ Meetings across Europe and Americas, but
31st MassSpec Forum Vienna – Travel Grants available
For the MassSpec Forum Vienna, held on February 25th and 26th 2020, a conference dedicated to all fields of mass spectrometry APMA will provide 3 travel grants of € 150 each for non-Viennese students. Visit the conference website for mor information
Travel Grants – MetaboMeeting & EuBIC Developer’s Meeting
For the EuBIC developer’s meeting in Nyborg, Denmark ( and the MetaboMeeting in Toulouse, France ( APMA will provide a travel grant of € 350 each. Applicants must meet the following requirements: PhD/Master student, PhD degree ≤ 2 years ago
APMRS 2020 – Single Cell Proteomics & Metabolomics – Canceled due to COVID-19
This year’s APMRS should have been hosted at the Vienna Biocenter Campus in Vienna and take place as a joint meeting with the Second European Symposium on Single Cell Proteomics. The conference scheduled from September 2-4 2020 at Vienna Biocenter
APMRS 2019 Publication Award – Evelyn Rampler
This year’s APMA publication award winner Eveleyn Rampler (University of Vienna) has been presented with the 1,000€ award at APMRS 2019 in Salzburg. The prize for the paper shown below, includes an honary lecture at the APMRS meeting, which was
Travel Stipend Winners for APMRS 2019
The travel stipends for this year’s APMRS in Salzburg were granted to Erika Ponzini, University Milano Katharina Mayer, Vetmed Vienna Petra Krenn, Meduni Graz Stefan Poschner, Uni Vienna Georg Pirklbauer, FH-Hagenberg Congratulations to all travel stipend winners!
First European Single Cell Proteomics Conference
Aug 26-28, 2019, Vienna Biocenter Campus Conference Homepage Two travel grants of € 150,- for non-Vienna students are available Applicants must meet the following requirements: PhD/Master student, PhD degree ≤ 2 years ago (confirmation of enrolment) APMA membership fee for
APMRS 2019 – Travel Grants available
Three travel grants up to € 150,- are available for non-Salzburg students Applicants must meet the following requirements: PhD/Master student, PhD degree ≤ 2 years ago (confirmation of enrolment) APMA membership fee for 2019 paid short CV and motivation statement
Call for APMA Publication Award 2019
Excellent original publication accepted in 2018/2019 in the field of proteomics and/or metabolomics is awarded. Applicant has to be first author, APMA member (2019 membership fee paid) and to have an Austrian affiliation. Winner will be awarded an Honorary Lecture
Membership fees raised
Membership fees have not been raised since 10 years, thus will be increased to €35 for standard and €15 for student members from Jun 1, 2019. There is a grace period until May 31, 2019, for all members to pay