The Precision Medicine Task Group of the Metabolomics Society in partnership with other organizations and interest groups is organizing a virtual workshop on Single Cell Metabolomics, to be held on Friday February 26, 2021 10 AM – 13.00 pm EST
Thermo Scientific Virtual Webinars
The Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris 480™ and Orbitrap Exploris 240™ mass spectrometers with FAIMS Pro technology are rapidly establishing themselves as the go to platforms for highest quality quantitative proteome profiling. Go faster and dig deeper than ever before and
Viktoria Dorfer receives the EuPA Bioinformatics for MS Award
We are proud to announce that Viktoria Dorfer received the EuPA Bioinformatics For Mass Spectrometry Award 2020. This award recognizes Viktoria’s important contributions to bioinformatics through her search engine MSAmanda, as well as her active involvement in the European Bioinformatics